EnzFitter is a generic curve-fitting package which has custom features designed to make it especially suitable for analysis of enzyme kinetics experiments.
For example, initial rate and parameter values can be obtained with their confidence limits for single and twin substrate rate data.
Built-in models include Michaelis-Menten with or without substrate inhibition, competitive, uncompetitive and mixed inhibition, ternary complex or ordered bi-bi systems and ping-pong with and without inhibition by substrates. You can easily add other models in conventional algebraic syntax.
Data import formats include EnzFitter for DOS files as well as ASCII delimited, dBase, FoxPro, Excel, Quattro Pro, Lotus 123, Paradox and Symphony.
Multiple curve fits can be performed for any data set using either the Marquardt or Simplex algorithms. Optionally, data can be weighted robustly, statistically, proportionally or with explicit values. A genetic algorithm generates excellent initial parameter estimates but parameters can be constrained to a range of values or fixed when necessary.